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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.





Welcome to Queen Alexandra School!

Historic École Queen Alexandra School, located in the heart of Old Strathcona, promotes a rich educational experience for children and continuous professional growth for teachers. We are located just a few blocks away from the University of Alberta. Students come from a variety of communities in south west Edmonton. We are a close-knit community that supports whole student learning.

Queen Alexandra offers two alternative programs: Logos Christian and French Immersion.

Bienvenue à École Queen Alexandra!

Notre école historique, construite en 1906, se trouve au cœur d'Old Strathcona. Cette école offre à nos élèves une expérience riche et enrichissante avec beaucoup d'opportunités de croissance pour nos élèves et notre personnel. Nous sommes situés à quelques quartiers de l'Université de l'Alberta et de Campus St.-Jean. Nos élèves viennent d'une variété de communautés du sud ouest d'Edmonton. Nous sommes une communauté très unie qui soutient l'apprentissage de l'ensemble de l'élève.

École Queen Alexandra offre deux programmes alternatifs: Logos Christian et l'Immersion Française.


Calling all new bus riders!

All K–6 students taking the bus for the first time are invited to the Edmonton Expo Centre on Thursday, August 22 for the 16th annual First Riders event. This free event is a unique hands-on opportunity for you and your child to get familiar with riding the bus before the school year begins.

To our Grade 6 students going into Grade 7, if they are new to Edmonton Transit Service (ETS), they can also attend these sessions, as well as any families wanting a refresher are welcome too.

Afternoon sessions run every half hour, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Evening sessions run every half hour, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Please register by August 19 to save your spot. 


Pre-enrolment and registration update

Thanks to all the families who pre-enrolled before the deadline to help our school get ready for 2024–25! 

We’re happy to let you know that, based on available space, all students who registered or pre-enrolled before March 22, 2024, have been accepted. We look forward to seeing your family in the fall!


École Queen Alexandra School is still accepting new students for the 2024-25 school year in both of our Logos (Christian programming) in Kindergarten to Grade 6 and in our French Immersion program from Kindergarten to Grade 4. If you would like more information than what is found on this website, please contact us at the school at 780-439-2516.

Are you an existing student and have moved? Update your child’s current address with the school office before updating it in SchoolZone. 

Instead of using SchoolZone, students who are new to Edmonton Public Schools need to submit a completed Student Registration form. Find the form and list of supporting documents you need to provide here. If you are new to EPSB or registering for kindergarten, you must register online.

If you did not pre-enroll on SchoolZone prior to March 22, 2024, please give us a call at the school to enroll your child at École Queen Alexandra School. 

If you have questions about registering for school, contact the school office at 780-439-2516.

Children registering for Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year must turn five years old before December 31, 2024.


Current Year 2023-24

For the 2023-24 school year, École Queen Alexandra School is full in planned classes in Grades 2 and 3 in the Logos Christian Program. We will no longer accept enrolment requests for these grades.

We are still accepting new student registration and enrollment for the 2023-24 school year:

Kindergarten, Grades 1, 4, 5 and 6 Logos Christian Program

Kindergarten to Grade 3 French Immersion Program 

  • as French Immersion is a new program to our school, subsequent grades will be added each year to become a Kindergarten to Grade 6 French Immersion Program.

Principal's Message

Welcome to École Queen Alexandra School, home of two alternative programs -  Logos Christian and French Immersion! 

In September 2024, our school will be offering the French Immersion Program for Kindergarten, Grades 1 to 4. As the first group of students moves into the next grade, we will expand the Program by one grade level until we reach Grade 6.  

Our staff, student and parent communities are excited about the new programming. We look forward to co-creating the future of École Queen Alexandra School with our new students and their families. 

École Queen Alexandra School fosters high academic learning through excellence in teaching and commitment for the growth of each student as they excel socially, academically and physically.

Our school focuses on the importance of teaching children how to become optimal learners. We learn about the brain, self-regulation and use the MindUp and Positive Behaviour Principles programs to provide skills and strategies for student learning. We are committed to creating a thriving, dynamic and inspiring educational environment that produces self-directed learners to confidently prepare them for their future.

In collaboration with parents and our community partners, students maximize their potential by being supported through differentiated programming and developing behaviours necessary for their success in school and their chosen career pathway.

The Logos Christian Program allows students to develop academic skills while integrating biblical principles into all areas of study. It provides an opportunity for students to live out Christian values, morals and beliefs in supportive and nurturing environments. The Logos Christian Program is a non-denominational faith-based program welcoming all families and religions.

The French Immersion Alternative Program is one I know well. Prior to coming to Queen Alexandra School, I celebrated 27 years of teaching experience in French Immersion and French as a Second Language programming. French Immersion is a program of choice that begins in Kindergarten or Grade 1 and continues to Grade 12. In this program, French is the language of instruction for core subjects. 

After completing the French immersion program, your child will be:

  • fluent in French
  • able to live, work and pursue post-secondary studies in French, English, or both languages
  • part of and have an understanding and appreciation of Francophone culture
  • proficient in English
  • able to appreciate other languages, cultures and communities in Canada and around the world

I'm elated to be working collaboratively with our Logos Christian and French Immersion families. Our staff looks forward to welcoming new families to both alternative programs! École Queen Alexandra School is a fantastic place to learn!

Tamie Beattie, MÉdu
